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Water jet cutting machine used

Water­jet cut­ting machi­nes are pre­cis­i­on tools for a wide ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons. Thanks to a spe­cial fea­ture, water­jet cut­ting has a gre­at advan­ta­ge over other cut­ting pro­ces­ses. A used water­jet cut­ting machi­ne is a favorable alter­na­ti­ve for many com­pa­nies.

Waterjet cutting by waterjet cutting machine briefly explained

Water jet cut­ting is a manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess in which a spe­ci­fic work­pie­ce is cut with a water jet. In con­trast to shred­ding or chip­ping, the indi­vi­du­al lay­ers of the pro­ces­sed mate­ri­al are not sepa­ra­ted mecha­ni­cal­ly, but are remo­ved. Cut­ting and sepa­ra­ting with a water jet is a cold sepa­ra­ti­on pro­cess and at least as pre­cise as laser cut­ting. Water Jet and Micro­wa­ter­jet, for exam­p­le, cuts all mate­ri­als relia­bly and safe­ly.

The machi­ne has a spe­cial cut­ting sys­tem that allows water to act on the mate­ri­al sur­face at a high pres­su­re of up to 6000 bar and an out­let speed of up to 1000m/s. The resul­ting mate­ri­al rem­oval con­sists exclu­si­ve­ly of near-sur­face and micro­sco­pi­cal­ly small par­tic­les. Fric­tion can thus not occur to any signi­fi­cant ext­ent. This is the big dif­fe­rence to other abla­ti­on methods (laser, oxy-fuel and plas­ma methods), which are all based on ther­mal ener­gy.

Different variants and different materials

The wide ran­ge of pos­si­ble appli­ca­ti­ons shows just how important it is to pay atten­ti­on to qua­li­ty even with second-hand machi­nes. On the one hand, water­jet cut­ting has dif­fe­rent effects and effects depen­ding on the mate­ri­al pro­per­ties. In the case of work­pie­ces made of britt­le and har­der mate­ri­als (such as cast iron or cera­mics), the mate­ri­al is remo­ved by the micro­cracks in the sur­face cau­sed by the water pres­su­re, which spread, unite and ulti­m­ate­ly remo­ve the par­tic­les. Tough mate­ri­als such as steel initi­al­ly deform pla­s­ti­cal­ly or irrever­si­bly when pro­ces­sed with a water­jet, resul­ting in so-cal­led work har­dening. This micro­sco­pi­cal­ly small chan­ge results in emb­ritt­le­ment of the mate­ri­al, which makes rem­oval pos­si­ble. An inex­pen­si­ve water­jet cut­ter can pro­cess almost all mate­ri­als. The spec­trum ran­ges from soft foam to the har­dest gem­sto­nes (such as sap­phi­re). On the other hand, a distinc­tion is made bet­ween two methods. In water­jet cut­ting with pure water, the soft mate­ri­als (foams, paper, foils, cer­tain pla­s­tics, etc.) are sepa­ra­ted from each other. For abra­si­ve cut­ting, a hard and pow­dery abra­si­ve (“abra­si­ve”) is added to the water in order to be able to remo­ve the par­ti­cu­lar­ly hard mate­ri­als such as cera­mics, steel or cer­tain pre­cious stones.

What can water jet cutting be used for?

This is about manu­fac­tu­ring with the hig­hest pre­cis­i­on. For exam­p­le, spe­cial pre­cis­i­on and micro water cut­ters are able to cut even the smal­lest medi­cal implants with their water jet, thanks to the micro­sco­pi­cal­ly small abla­ti­ons. Thanks to the tem­pe­ra­tu­re-neu­tral pro­ces­sing, the­re is no defor­ma­ti­on. A water­jet can also be used in com­bi­na­ti­on with other machi­ne tools. A future sce­na­rio would be, for exam­p­le, the finis­hing of a model pro­du­ced by a 3D prin­ter. The pos­si­bi­li­ties for using a water­jet cut­ter are as ver­sa­ti­le as the appli­ca­ti­on its­elf.

What are the business benefits of used cutting systems or waterjet cutting machines?

Becau­se water­jet cut­ting does not app­ly heat or machi­ning forces to the mate­ri­al, the cuts can be made wit­hout stret­ching the work­pie­ce. For such pur­po­ses, good and inex­pen­si­ve second-hand water­jet cut­ting machi­nes are ide­al. Used cut­ting sys­tems offer not only finan­cial incen­ti­ves. A water­jet cut­ting machi­ne offers the best con­di­ti­ons for com­pa­nies that have to cut a wide varie­ty of mate­ri­als with mil­li­me­ter pre­cis­i­on in pro­duc­tion engi­nee­ring.

What should be considered when purchasing inexpensive waterjet cutters?

Used machi­nes do not only make sen­se if the bud­get for an acqui­si­ti­on is limi­t­ed. Pro­vi­ded that they are of ade­qua­te qua­li­ty, second-hand machi­ne tools are an afforda­ble alter­na­ti­ve. The­re are enough offers and used machi­ne ser­vice. Machi­nes of well-known manu­fac­tu­r­ers are not only available on the Inter­net to buy used machi­nes. A good cut­ting machi­ne does not have to be unaf­forda­ble. Spa­re parts can also be purcha­sed second-hand, wher­eby a new purcha­se should be con­side­red from case to case. It is wort­hwhile not to pay atten­ti­on to the pri­ce in the first place with the wea­ring parts. But also other machi­nes like CNC mil­ling machi­nes or simi­lar machi­nes are often bought used. A well-main­tai­ned used plant is very sta­ble in value.

Water jet cut­ting – buy machi­ne used
Gebrauchtmaschinen aus zweiter Hand günstig
Used machi­nes from second hand cheap
HWM-P 6030/3-2D
Wari­cut HWM‑P 6030/3–2D Water jet cut­ting sys­tem