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WARICUT expert systems

RIDDER has deve­lo­ped the WARICUT® Expert Sys­tem espe­ci­al­ly for high-pres­su­re water­jet cut­ting sys­tems and offers the user a com­for­ta­ble ope­ra­ting gui­dance.

Here is just a small excerpt of the lar­ge ran­ge of func­tions:

  • Tar­get-actu­al value dis­play for: cut­ting pres­su­re, abra­si­ve, fee­der, axes
  • Func­tion keys for test run, block cut­ting val­ve, save zero point
  • Cut­ting para­me­ter cal­cu­la­ti­on for dif­fe­rent qua­li­ty requi­re­ments
  • Nozz­le abra­si­ve meter­ing sys­tem moni­to­ring
  • Col­li­si­on moni­to­ring
  • Online cor­rec­tion for fee­der, pres­su­re, spa­cing and abra­si­ve
  • Pro­gram scan for simp­le and fast moving to inter­rupt points
  • BDE (Bor­land Data­ba­se Engi­ne) for high pres­su­re pump, cut­ting nozz­le, pro­gram run times, job times

WARICUT Information system

Mes­sa­ges (error mes­sa­ges and job com­ple­ti­on mes­sa­ges) are trans­mit­ted direct­ly from the cut­ting sys­tem by tele­pho­ne to the machi­ne ope­ra­tor (tele­pho­ne con­nec­tion and/or Inter­net access requi­red)

WARICUT Job list

Using the WARICUT® Job list, up to four dif­fe­rent or the same four cut­ting pro­grams can be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly pro­ces­sed one after the other.

WARICUT Simulation

Work­pie­ce con­tours are dis­play­ed befo­re the cut­ting and are tra­ced online during the machi­ning.

WARICUT Cutting cycles

Using WARICUT® Cut­ting cycles, the fol­lo­wing cut­ting con­tours can be easi­ly pro­grammed direct­ly on the machi­ne by ente­ring para­me­ters.

Sin­gle cuts and mul­ti­ple cuts for the fol­lo­wing con­tours: Cir­cle, rec­tang­le, ring, hori­zon­tal groo­ve,  tri­ang­le, ver­ti­cal groo­ve, tra­pe­zo­id, flan­ge, ellip­se.

Exam­p­le of a screen for 3D pro­gramming on the machi­ne:
Screenshot: Elliptical penetration in the tube
Screen­shot: Ellip­ti­cal pene­tra­ti­on in the tube