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Water jet cutting system

What is a waterjet cutting system and what kind of work can be done with it?

The power of water was alre­a­dy used in mining in the ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry to dig more effec­tively in gra­vel and clay depo­sits. In the cour­se of time and with the help of new tech­no­lo­gies, the tech­ni­que has been con­ti­nuous­ly deve­lo­ped and today water jet cut­ting machi­nes can cut pre­cis­e­ly, quick­ly and many mate­ri­als. The water jet cut­ting machi­ne always works accor­ding to the same prin­ci­ple: water is taken from a water tank and appli­ed direct­ly to the mate­ri­al to be cut with a high-pres­su­re jet. This water jet, gene­ra­ted with the help of a high-pres­su­re pump, now cuts the mate­ri­al. The advan­ta­ges of modern machi­nes are not only in their abili­ty to cut almost all mate­ri­als, but also in the high pre­cis­i­on with which they can work. With the help of a CNC con­trol even hard mate­ri­als like sap­phi­re can be cut to the micro­me­ter. The machi­ne works from the cut­ting head through the water jet much clea­ner than mecha­ni­cal pedants, which fur­ther increa­ses the cut­ting accu­ra­cy.

How is a waterjet cutting system constructed?

The basic struc­tu­re is always a machi­ne frame, usual­ly made of steel or alu­mi­num. The high-pres­su­re pump, the con­trol sys­tem and the cut­ting head are loca­ted on this frame, spa­ti­al­ly sepa­ra­ted from each other. The con­trol sys­tem is sepa­ra­ted becau­se modern machi­nes are almost always equip­ped with a CNC con­trol sys­tem, which of cour­se should not neces­s­a­ri­ly come into cont­act with water. Depen­ding on the model, the high pres­su­re pump works eit­her sil­ent­ly or loud­ly. That depends a litt­le bit on the pri­ce and is an addi­tio­nal gim­mick for a more com­for­ta­ble working. Important is the per­for­mance of the pump, which should be high. Becau­se only by a maxi­mum pres­su­re a high pres­su­re ste­ri­liza­ti­on is pos­si­ble and the­r­e­fo­re a clean cut on the work­pie­ce. The cut­ting head is usual­ly appli­ed direct­ly to the work­pie­ce to be pro­ces­sed so that the jet can deve­lop its maxi­mum working power. Some manu­fac­tu­r­ers, such as Water­jet or Bystro­nic, sup­p­ly various cut­ting heads which, tog­e­ther with the cut­ting con­trol, enable even bet­ter cut­ting in pre­cis­i­on.

What are the advantages of purchasing waterjet cutting systems?

The advan­ta­ges have of cour­se been brief­ly explai­ned in the abo­ve para­graphs, but will be explai­ned again here. Effec­ti­ve and abo­ve all pre­cise work is only pos­si­ble with a water­jet cut­ting sys­tem. Espe­ci­al­ly com­pa­nies which can­not afford any mista­kes in pro­duc­tion and whe­re even one mil­li­me­ter can have a nega­ti­ve effect on the pro­duct will not be able to avo­id the purcha­se of such a cut­ting sys­tem. High-qua­li­ty sys­tems are expen­si­ve, becau­se after all the­se are high-tech pro­ducts with a very long ser­vice life. As an entre­pre­neur, you can alter­na­tively con­sider buy­ing a used machi­ne. With the appro­pria­te cer­ti­fi­ca­te and of cour­se an inspec­tion, the purcha­se can be che­a­per and still deli­ver per­fect qua­li­ty for a very long time. But inde­pendent­ly of whe­ther one deci­des for a new purcha­se, or the purcha­se of a used machi­ne it is always neces­sa­ry to include the ope­ra­tio­nal pos­si­bi­li­ties and requi­re­ments, also in the future, into the con­side­ra­ti­ons. After all, if you rely on the dif­fe­ren­ces in pri­ce and pre­fer to buy a used machi­ne, you may be in for a nasty sur­pri­se after a short time. Name­ly when the machi­ne sim­ply can­not meet the requi­re­ments and newer tech­no­lo­gy is nee­ded for suc­cessful order pro­ces­sing. Whoe­ver plans here and takes the future into account saves not only time and ner­ves, but also a lot of money when purcha­sing a water­jet cut­ting sys­tem.

WARICUT 2D & 3D Water jet cut­ting sys­tems
HWM-P 3040/2-2D/3D
HWM‑P 3040/2–2D/3D
Micro water­jet cut­ting with Wari­cut micro max